
Donald Trump will turn himself in to New York prosecutors on Tuesday, his lawyer said, insisting the former president would “not be put in handcuffs”. Joe Tacopina added he expected the charges — the first criminal indictment in history of an ex-US president — to relate to payments to buy the silence of porn actress
The cryptocurrency hardware wallet manufacturer Ledger has raised €100 million ($109 million) in funding, according to the company’s disclosure on Thursday. Ledger CEO Pascal Gauthier says there has been significant demand for hardware wallets. He added, “2023 is even better for us because now you can’t even leave money at a Swiss bank.” Ledger to
Hawaii had the outlook on more than $2 billion in debt for its airport system and rental car facilities revised to positive from stable by Fitch Ratings in separate actions. The rating agency on Friday boosted the outlook to positive on the bonds issued by the state’s Department of Transportation, Airport Division, for capital projects
Every modern commercial real estate transaction, or other business transaction, takes place largely through email. If it’s a major or complicated transaction, it will involve dozens of email recipients and senders – business people, lawyers, brokers, title companies, other service providers, and so on. Each email will beget a stream of additional emails as each
Arizona’s governor blocked an attempt to bar companies that “discriminate” against the firearm industry from state and local government contracts by vetoing the bill Tuesday.  Senate Bill 1096 passed the Republican-controlled Senate in February and House last week in tight votes of 16-13 and 31-29, making a veto override attempt improbable. In her veto letter,