
Transcription: Transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers, and may contain errors. Please check the corresponding audio for the authoritative record.  Mike Scarchilli (00:04): Hi everyone and welcome to The Bond Buyer Podcast, your essential resource for insights into everything municipal finance. I’m Mike Scarchilli, Editor-in-Chief of The Bond
Housing advocates are pressing the House Committee on Ways and Means to pass long-simmering legislation that includes expanding the use of Private Activity Bonds to support affordable housing efforts.   “We remain hopeful there will be legislation in the lame duck session of Congress to enact these sorely-needed proposals, which would increase the housing credit allocation
A Utah judge voided a proposed constitutional amendment on the Nov. 5 statewide ballot that raised concerns about future state funding for K-12 public schools. If passed by voters, Amendment A would have provided more flexibility for Utah’s budget by tapping excess income tax revenue currently constitutionally earmarked mainly for public education. Utah Third District
Marin General Hospital’s outlook was revised to positive from stable by Fitch Ratings, affecting $211 million in debt. The positive outlook reflects Fitch’s opinion the Greenbrae, California-based facility should continue to make additional progress over the next 12 months-24 months in improving efficiency and other operational measures, according to Monday’s ratings report. Those improvements are
The District of Columbia is saddled with slowed jobs and economic growth, but has still managed to score a boost in five credit ratings from Moody’s Ratings. “Moody’s upgrades are a testament to the district’s solid financial management and strong economic fundamentals,” said Chief Financial Officer Glen Lee.  “We are extremely pleased by this recognition
The California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank board of directors approved $26 million in loan financing for the city of Santa Cruz for two wastewater improvement system projects, IBank officials said Thursday. The funding will help the city replace and upgrade decades-old equipment with the aim of preventing costly repairs, protecting pipelines from corrosion, improving
The California School Boards Association is suing the state over a Proposition 98 work-around included as a trailer bill in the budget. Proposition 98, often referenced throughout California’s state budget process, constitutionally mandates the state to allocate a certain percentage of the state budget to education each year. The 2024 Education Omnibus Budget Trailer Bill,
Massachusetts plans to sell $490.7 million of municipal bonds to help fund improvements for its commuter rail and other transportation projects throughout the state. The bonds are scheduled to price Wednesday after a retail order period Tuesday, according to an online investor presentation. According to preliminary bond documents, the deal consists of three series: a
Warren “Bo” Daniels, managing director and head of public finance for Loop Capital, will take over as chair of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board Oct. 1, bringing a three decade career to an organization set to take major steps forward in the coming year. Jennie Bennett, associate vice president for finance at the University of
The Louisiana Bond Commission approved the sale of $620 million in aviation revenue bonds and $220 million in sales tax bonds and modified conditions for up to $1 billion in gas and fuels tax bonds it previously authorized. The commission consented to the sale of up to $575 million in general airport revenue refunding bonds